Sunday, March 7, 2010

Snack Taxi

I try to do what I can to help the environment. I take my lunch in Tupperware every day, I use silverware to eat at work so I'm not wasting plastic utensils, I take my own coffee mug, I won't drink bottled water, I re-use paper towels, etc. I think you get the picture. So when I stumbled upon SnackTaxi I was in recycle heaven!! Snacktaxi was established back in 2003 as a way to eliminate the ziploc bags that were being used to pack school lunches. What a GREAT idea!! I hate, HATE, baggies and if I use them, I will wash them and re-use whenever I can. Anyway, snacktaxis are made by local sewers and they are committed to not outsourcing their labor.

Look at this cute reusable napkin!!

You can find the dimensions of the different products on the FAQ page. I use the larger snacktaxi to carry my slice of Ezekiel every day, and the smaller one for my Mary's crackers. They are lined with a water proof material which makes cleaning easy and they can even be machine washed!! Seriously, why didn't I think of this idea?? These things are just too cute and they fabric options are endless.

I WILL be using my Snacktaxis every day and I WILL be purchasing these in the future. I'm giving Snacktaxi 10 biscuits (10 biscuits with bells and whistles!!).