Monday, February 1, 2010

Mary's Gone Crackers

To continue with my quest of trying new things while eating clean, I was lucky enough to be able to try out some Mary's Gone Crackers. I found these in the organic/health aisle of my local running store and could tell they would be something right up my alley. The company was started when Mary discovered that both her and her son had an intolerance to gluten. All of their products are organic, wheat and gluten free.

There are several different varieties of crackers: black pepper (my favorite so far...has a nice bite to it!), herb, original seed, caraway, and onion. The base recipe for the crackers is brown rice, quinoa, flax seed and sesame seeds. There are no hydrogenated oils or trans fats. And a few crackers pack a punch in the nutrition department. 13 of the black pepper crackers have 5g fat, 3g fiber and 3g protein. It's really a cracker you can feel good about eating since you're getting your protein and essential fatty acids.

The crackers are small and very, very crisp. Needless to say, if you couldn't guess by the ingredients, they have a rich, nutty flavor. Not only have I snacked on them plain, but I put a small piece of chicken on it and a touch of salsa and it was delicious! I also like the black pepper ones with hard boiled egg whites.

A box contains about 6 servings and goes for around $3.50 at my local grocery store. The boxes have been lasting me more than 6 servings, though as a small handful does the trick. I know I've been generous with the biscuits lately, but once again I'm giving Mary's Gone Crackers 10 biscuits. I absolutely, positively will be purchasing these over and over again.