Friday, October 21, 2011

Nana Smith Designs

I recently stumbled upon Nana Smith Designs while I was googling for random triathlon stuff. Right away I found myself looking over all the jewelry pieces she has created and wanted them all!! I'm not a big jewelry person, I don't do the big necklaces that are popular right now and I've been wearing the same pair of diamond earrings for 10 years now. But I do like really simple necklaces and love ones with motivational sayings/numbers on them.

Nana, who happens to be an incredible athlete and tennis player, creates adorable pieces of handmade jewelry. Knowing each piece is handmade means you know it's made with care when you receive it and you can tell that right away from the care she takes to package each piece up! Nana goes to the extra step and packages it up in the most adorable way!! When she sent me my necklace the packaging alone made me smile. This is how it arrived:

Inside this adorable little package was a necklace with a pendant that says "believe" on it and on either side, two peridot stones.
(ok, ignore the leathery looking skin!! I used tanning lotion this morning and had a long run so I was a little chaffed up!)

If you haven't already, please check out Nana's site. There is definitely something for everyone and she can create unique pieces based on your preferences. She also hosts contests where she gives away a piece of jewelry; there's a Halloween contest going on right now so check it out!

Huge fan of Nana Smith Designs!!