Sunday, February 27, 2011

OPI Texas Collection and Beiber Fever

Dreams do come true!!! Check out this stash from OPI and Nicole by OPI!!

*the 6 OPI bottles in the far back right are the ones with the sorbet-like finish
First up, the OPI Texas Collection. Wow, some fun colors in this bunch. As soon as I saw them all I could think about was summer and having the cutest colored toenails out there! I've tested out "It's Totally Fort Worth It" and "Suzi Loves Cowboys" and once again, I love the new colors. I'm not even sure it's possible for OPI to make a color I wouldn't like. There was something about these colors that went on so smoothly; much smoothier than normal. Another cool thing about the Texas collection is that 6* of the 12 colors have a "sorbet-like" finish. Specificially, "Guy Meets Gal-veston", "Ya'll Come Back Ya Hear?", "Too Hot Pink to Hold 'Em", "Big Hair...Big Nails", "Do You Think I'm Tex-y?" and "Houston We Have a Purple". If you want to learn more, you can watch a detailed video from OPI here.

Next up, Nicole by OPI Justin Bieber collection. Let me first start off by saying that I am NOT a Justin Beiber fan but I AM a fan of his nail polish line. I immediately tried out the "I Have Bieber Fever" and loved the dark purple for this time of year. A lot of the colors are a little wild for me to wear on a daily basis to work, but they are fun colors nonetheless and would look really cute on my toes. These bottles also have the new perfect stroke brush which I really like.

I thought these two collections had a lot of wild colors, which could be a lot fun as the warmer weather rolls around. I also liked that there weren't any metallic shades as I definitely don't wear those often. I'm looking forward to having some fun colors to play with this spring/summer and I'm giving the OPI Texas collection 10 Biscuits and Nicole by OPI Justin Bieber collection 9 Biscuits.