Sunday, December 13, 2009

Whooha Gear

Have you heard of Whooha?? It stands for Women Having Optimistic Objectives & Healthy Attitudes. When I stumbled upon this company I was impressed and inspired. I love supporting companies who promote active, healthy lifestyles and I loved that this one was founded by two women. When they offered to send me a shirt to review, I had the hardest time choosing one. They have some adorable shirts!! I went with a Dri-Balance technology t-shirt and I am really happy with the fit and feel of this shirt. While I could wear it working out, and I'm sure I will in the summer when I'm back in short sleeves, this shirt is cute enough to wear out and about.

They have all sort of shirts and a really cute bag that I have my eye on that says "play hard, take chances, keep smilin'." Again, if you're looking for a gift idea, I highly recommend this product and would not be disappointed if a few more of their items found there way under my Christmas tree this year. I'm giving Whooha 10 biscuits!! That's 2 reviews in a row with 10 biscuits!! I'm a roll....