Sunday, August 21, 2011

OPI - Miss Universe Collection

OPI has partnered with the Miss Universe pageant to release the limited edition Miss Universe Collection. The collection consists of 4 shades that are full of sparkle and shimmer and are available now.

Here's a little description of each color:

Congeniality is My Middle Name
And berry-wine shimmer is what I do best!
It’s MY Year
It’s about time for this champagne-rose to shine!
Swimsuit…Nailed It!
An itsy bitsy teenie weenie vibrant shiny-blue bikini.
Crown Me Already!
A sassy silver sparkle that knows what it’s worth.

("Swimsuit...Nailed It!," "Crown Me Already!," "Congeniality Is My Middle Name," "It's My Year") 

The Miss Universe polishes contain no DBP, Toluene or Formaldehyde, have the OPI exclusive ProWide brush. And remember, these are a limited edition!!