Monday, July 4, 2011

OPI Nice Stems!

I never was a huge fan of pink growing up but over the last few years I find myself in more and more pink! Guess I'm more of a girly girl than I thought. Even though I'm wearing more pink clothes, I typically leave pink nail polish to my toes, unless it's race day when I use Nicole by OPI "Never Give Up."   :-)

Well, OPI Nice Stems! collection is all about pinks!!  The Nice Stems! lacquers contain no DBP, Toluene, or Formaldehyde and feature OPI's exclusive ProWide brush.  I'm all about less harmful chemicals!
"I Lily Love You," "Play The Peonies," "Come To Poppy," "Be A Dahlia Won't You?"

At first I was worried that they were a little too flashy for my hands, but I was really happy with how "Come To Poppy" looked. I painted them before heading to the beach for vacation and it was a perfect beach color! 
"Come To Poppy"

My favorite shade by name in this collection is "I Lily Love you." The color in the polish is really light, almost translucent, with sparkles. It doesn't apply as pink as it looks in the bottle. Although I didn't try it this way, I think it would look cute on top of another color.

"Play The Peonies" is a really subdued color which I like for work and more conservative days. It has a little shimmer to it, which dresses it up a bit, too.

Overall, I thought the Nice Stems! collection contained fun summer colors. Definitely look good with a tan and since they are limited edition, better hurry and get some!