Wednesday, May 12, 2010

iFitness MiniSport Belt

I've been trying to be really good about carrying my cell phone with me lately and have tried a few different belts. But once I get the phone in the pocket, there's not much room for anything else. The one I've been using holds my phone perfectly, but since it flops around a little bit I was looking to try something different. I had seen iFitness belts at Expos but it's hard for me to buy stuff at Expos...there's always too much going on and I'm in sensory overload. So I was really excited when iFitness sent me the MiniSport Belt to try out.

Here are some facts about the belt:
  • Water resistant pouch, stretchy and sturdy, made of neoprene will keep your cell phone or iPod (any size) dry.
  • Six elastic slots will hold your gels on your belt, for easy access.
  • Special inner pocket will keep your ID/credit cards or room key securely.
  • Comes with two reflector strips in the front and one in the back, for night time safety.
  • Also featured are two toggles to hold your race number, under the pouch.
But the most important tid bit of information about this didn't move around AT ALL. No flopping, no turning, no rubbing, no chaffing! In fact, I barely knew it was there. It fit snuggly right around my hip bones and didn't bother me the least during my run. And not only did it hold my cell phone, but I was able to carry along some fuel for the run. Unfortunately, the loops are a little big and can't hold my Clif bloks but I was able to squeeze in some Sport Beans. The loops are clearly meant to carry gels.

This particular belt sells for $27.95 from iFitness and I think it's worth every penny. If you don't need the fuel holders or bib clips, check out their other products. They have a lot of different varieties of waist belts as well as arm gel holders.

I really, really liked this belt and thought it was super comfortable. The ONLY thing that would make this better is if the loops were small enough to hold my Clif bloks since that's what I use during long runs and marathons. But since I can still wear the belt even without using it to carry my fuel, I'm giving iFitness 9 Biscuits. (Dear iFitness, make the loops smaller and I'll give you the coveted 10 biscuit rating!)